The Sigasi Visual HDL perspective
Sigasi Visual HDL (SVH) is built upon the Eclipse platform, which permits to use multiple languages within a single environment. The user interface can be customized for a particular language. In Eclipse terminology, this customized user interface is called a perspective. The icon and name of the current perspective is highlighted in the upper right corner.
SVH provides a Sigasi perspective to work with both VHDL and Verilog files.

If you use the standalone version of SVH, this perspective is the default. If you use the Eclipse plugin, another perspective may be open instead. You can select the Sigasi perspective by clicking the button next the perspective icon. A window pops up in which you can select the perspective.
You can right-click the perspective button to customize toolbar contents, to reset the perspective to its default layout or to save your own, customized perspective.
Quick Access
The SVH toolbar contains a widget called Quick Access. This widget allows you to quickly find open editors, available perspectives, views, preferences, wizards, commands, etc. Simply start typing the name of the item you wish to invoke.