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Source text
Library source text
- library_text
- { library_description }
- library_description
- library_declaration
| include_statement
| config_declaration
| ; - library_declaration
- library library_identifier file_path_spec { , file_path_spec } [ -incdir file_path_spec { , file_path_spec } ] ;
- include_statement
- include file_path_spec ;
- file_path_spec
- external syntax is not defined in standard
SystemVerilog source text
- source_text
- [ timeunits_declaration ] { description }
- description
- module_declaration
| udp_declaration
| interface_declaration
| program_declaration
| package_declaration
| { attribute_instance } package_item
| { attribute_instance } bind_directive
| config_declaration - module_nonansi_header
- { attribute_instance } module_keyword [ lifetime ] module_identifier { package_import_declaration } [ parameter_port_list ] list_of_ports ;
- module_ansi_header
- { attribute_instance } module_keyword [ lifetime ] module_identifier { package_import_declaration } 1 [ parameter_port_list ] [ list_of_port_declarations ] ;
- module_declaration
- module_nonansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { module_item } endmodule [ : module_identifier ]
| module_ansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { non_port_module_item } endmodule [ : module_identifier ]
| { attribute_instance } module_keyword [ lifetime ] module_identifier ( .* ) ; [ timeunits_declaration ] { module_item } endmodule [ : module_identifier ]
| extern module_nonansi_header
| extern module_ansi_header - module_keyword
- module
| macromodule - interface_declaration
- interface_nonansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { interface_item } endinterface [ : interface_identifier ]
| interface_ansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { non_port_interface_item } endinterface [ : interface_identifier ]
| { attribute_instance } interface interface_identifier ( .* ) ; [ timeunits_declaration ] { interface_item } endinterface [ : interface_identifier ]
| extern interface_nonansi_header
| extern interface_ansi_header - interface_nonansi_header
- { attribute_instance } interface [ lifetime ] interface_identifier { package_import_declaration } [ parameter_port_list ] list_of_ports ;
- interface_ansi_header
- { attribute_instance } interface [ lifetime ] interface_identifier { package_import_declaration } [ parameter_port_list ] [ list_of_port_declarations ] ;
- program_declaration
- program_nonansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { program_item } endprogram [ : program_identifier ]
| program_ansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { non_port_program_item } endprogram [ : program_identifier ]
| { attribute_instance } program program_identifier ( .* ) ; [ timeunits_declaration ] { program_item } endprogram [ : program_identifier ]
| extern program_nonansi_header
| extern program_ansi_header - program_nonansi_header
- { attribute_instance } program [ lifetime ] program_identifier { package_import_declaration } [ parameter_port_list ] list_of_ports ;
- program_ansi_header
- { attribute_instance } program [ lifetime ] program_identifier { package_import_declaration } 1 [ parameter_port_list ] [ list_of_port_declarations ] ;
- checker_declaration
- checker checker_identifier [ ( [ checker_port_list ] ) ] ; { { attribute_instance } checker_or_generate_item } endchecker [ : checker_identifier ]
- class_declaration
- [ virtual ] class [ lifetime ] class_identifier [ parameter_port_list ] [ extends class_type [ ( list_of_arguments ) ] ] [ implements interface_class_type { , interface_class_type } ] ; { class_item } endclass [ : class_identifier ]
- interface_class_type
- ps_class_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ]
- interface_class_declaration
- interface class class_identifier [ parameter_port_list ] [ extends interface_class_type { , interface_class_type } ] ; { interface_class_item } endclass [ : class_identifier ]
- interface_class_item
- type_declaration
| { attribute_instance } interface_class_method
| local_parameter_declaration 2 ;
| parameter_declaration ;
| ; - interface_class_method
- pure virtual method_prototype ;
- package_declaration
- { attribute_instance } package [ lifetime ] package_identifier ; [ timeunits_declaration ] { { attribute_instance } package_item } endpackage [ : package_identifier ]
- timeunits_declaration
- timeunit time_literal [ / time_literal ] ;
| timeprecision time_literal ;
| timeunit time_literal ; timeprecision time_literal ;
| timeprecision time_literal ; timeunit time_literal ;
Module parameters and ports
- parameter_port_list
- # ( list_of_param_assignments { , parameter_port_declaration } )
| # ( parameter_port_declaration { , parameter_port_declaration } )
| # ( ) - parameter_port_declaration
- parameter_declaration
| local_parameter_declaration
| data_type list_of_param_assignments
| type list_of_type_assignments - list_of_ports
- ( port { , port } )
- list_of_port_declarations3
- ( [ { attribute_instance } ansi_port_declaration { , { attribute_instance } ansi_port_declaration } ] )
- port_declaration
- { attribute_instance } inout_declaration
| { attribute_instance } input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } output_declaration
| { attribute_instance } ref_declaration
| { attribute_instance } interface_port_declaration - port
- [ port_expression ]
| . port_identifier ( [ port_expression ] ) - port_expression
- port_reference
| { port_reference { , port_reference } } - port_reference
- port_identifier constant_select
- port_direction
- input
| output
| inout
| ref - net_port_header
- [ port_direction ] net_port_type
- variable_port_header
- [ port_direction ] variable_port_type
- interface_port_header
- interface_identifier [ . modport_identifier ]
| interface [ . modport_identifier ] - ansi_port_declaration
- [ net_port_header | interface_port_header ] port_identifier { unpacked_dimension } [ = constant_expression ]
| [ variable_port_header ] port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = constant_expression ]
| [ port_direction ] . port_identifier ( [ expression ] )
Module items
- elaboration_system_task
- $fatal [ ( finish_number [ , list_of_arguments ] ) ] ;
| $error [ ( [ list_of_arguments ] ) ] ;
| $warning [ ( [ list_of_arguments ] ) ] ;
| $info [ ( [ list_of_arguments ] ) ] ; - finish_number
- 0
| 1
| 2 - module_common_item
- module_or_generate_item_declaration
| interface_instantiation
| program_instantiation
| assertion_item
| bind_directive
| continuous_assign
| net_alias
| initial_construct
| final_construct
| always_construct
| loop_generate_construct
| conditional_generate_construct
| elaboration_system_task - module_item
- port_declaration ;
| non_port_module_item - module_or_generate_item
- { attribute_instance } parameter_override
| { attribute_instance } gate_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } udp_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } module_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } module_common_item - module_or_generate_item_declaration
- package_or_generate_item_declaration
| genvar_declaration
| clocking_declaration
| default clocking clocking_identifier ;
| default disable iff expression_or_dist ; - non_port_module_item
- generate_region
| module_or_generate_item
| specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration
| program_declaration
| module_declaration
| interface_declaration
| timeunits_declaration 4 - parameter_override
- defparam list_of_defparam_assignments ;
- bind_directive5
- bind bind_target_scope [ : bind_target_instance_list ] bind_instantiation ;
| bind bind_target_instance bind_instantiation ; - bind_target_scope
- module_identifier
| interface_identifier - bind_target_instance
- hierarchical_identifier constant_bit_select
- bind_target_instance_list
- bind_target_instance { , bind_target_instance }
- bind_instantiation
- program_instantiation
| module_instantiation
| interface_instantiation
| checker_instantiation
Configuration source text
- config_declaration
- config config_identifier ; { local_parameter_declaration ; } design_statement { config_rule_statement } endconfig [ : config_identifier ]
- design_statement
- design { [ library_identifier . ] cell_identifier } ;
- config_rule_statement
- default_clause liblist_clause ;
| inst_clause liblist_clause ;
| inst_clause use_clause ;
| cell_clause liblist_clause ;
| cell_clause use_clause ; - default_clause
- default
- inst_clause
- instance inst_name
- inst_name
- topmodule_identifier { . instance_identifier }
- cell_clause
- cell [ library_identifier . ] cell_identifier
- liblist_clause
- liblist { library_identifier }
- use_clause
- use [ library_identifier . ] cell_identifier [ : config ]
| use named_parameter_assignment { , named_parameter_assignment } [ : config ]
| use [ library_identifier . ] cell_identifier named_parameter_assignment { , named_parameter_assignment } [ : config ]
Interface items
- interface_or_generate_item
- { attribute_instance } module_common_item
| { attribute_instance } modport_declaration
| { attribute_instance } extern_tf_declaration - extern_tf_declaration
- extern method_prototype ;
| extern forkjoin task_prototype ; - interface_item
- port_declaration ;
| non_port_interface_item - non_port_interface_item
- generate_region
| interface_or_generate_item
| program_declaration
| interface_declaration
| timeunits_declaration 4
Program items
- program_item
- port_declaration ;
| non_port_program_item - non_port_program_item
- { attribute_instance } continuous_assign
| { attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item_declaration
| { attribute_instance } initial_construct
| { attribute_instance } final_construct
| { attribute_instance } concurrent_assertion_item
| timeunits_declaration 4
| program_generate_item - program_generate_item6
- loop_generate_construct
| conditional_generate_construct
| generate_region
| elaboration_system_task
Checker items
- checker_port_list
- checker_port_item { , checker_port_item }
- checker_port_item
- { attribute_instance } [ checker_port_direction ] property_formal_type formal_port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = property_actual_arg ]
- checker_port_direction
- input
| output - checker_or_generate_item
- checker_or_generate_item_declaration
| initial_construct
| always_construct
| final_construct
| assertion_item
| continuous_assign
| checker_generate_item - checker_or_generate_item_declaration
- [ rand ] data_declaration
| function_declaration
| checker_declaration
| assertion_item_declaration
| covergroup_declaration
| overload_declaration
| genvar_declaration
| clocking_declaration
| default clocking clocking_identifier ;
| default disable iff expression_or_dist ;
| ; - checker_generate_item7
- loop_generate_construct
| conditional_generate_construct
| generate_region
| elaboration_system_task
Class items
- class_item
- { attribute_instance } class_property
| { attribute_instance } class_method
| { attribute_instance } class_constraint
| { attribute_instance } class_declaration
| { attribute_instance } covergroup_declaration
| local_parameter_declaration ;
| parameter_declaration 2 ;
| ; - class_property
- { property_qualifier } data_declaration
| const { class_item_qualifier } data_type const_identifier [ = constant_expression ] ; - class_method
- { method_qualifier } task_declaration
| { method_qualifier } function_declaration
| pure virtual { class_item_qualifier } method_prototype ;
| extern { method_qualifier } method_prototype ;
| { method_qualifier } class_constructor_declaration
| extern { method_qualifier } class_constructor_prototype - class_constructor_prototype
- function new [ ( [ tf_port_list ] ) ] ;
- class_constraint
- constraint_prototype
| constraint_declaration - class_item_qualifier8
- static
| protected
| local - property_qualifier8
- random_qualifier
| class_item_qualifier - random_qualifier8
- rand
| randc - method_qualifier8
- [ pure ] virtual
| class_item_qualifier - method_prototype
- task_prototype
| function_prototype - class_constructor_declaration
- function [ class_scope ] new [ ( [ tf_port_list ] ) ] ; { block_item_declaration } [ super . new [ ( list_of_arguments ) ] ; ] { function_statement_or_null } endfunction [ : new ]
- constraint_declaration
- [ static ] constraint constraint_identifier constraint_block
- constraint_block
- { { constraint_block_item } }
- constraint_block_item
- solve solve_before_list before solve_before_list ;
| constraint_expression - solve_before_list
- constraint_primary { , constraint_primary }
- constraint_primary
- [ implicit_class_handle . | class_scope ] hierarchical_identifier select
- constraint_expression
- [ soft ] expression_or_dist ;
| uniqueness_constraint ;
| expression -> constraint_set
| if ( expression ) constraint_set [ else constraint_set ]
| foreach ( ps_or_hierarchical_array_identifier [ loop_variables ] ) constraint_set
| disable soft constraint_primary ; - uniqueness_constraint9
- unique { open_range_list }
- constraint_set
- constraint_expression
| { { constraint_expression } } - dist_list
- dist_item { , dist_item }
- dist_item
- value_range [ dist_weight ]
- dist_weight
- := expression
| :/ expression - constraint_prototype
- [ constraint_prototype_qualifier ] [ static ] constraint constraint_identifier ;
- constraint_prototype_qualifier
- extern
| pure - extern_constraint_declaration
- [ static ] constraint class_scope constraint_identifier constraint_block
- identifier_list
- identifier { , identifier }
Package items
- package_item
- package_or_generate_item_declaration
| anonymous_program
| package_export_declaration
| timeunits_declaration 4 - package_or_generate_item_declaration
- net_declaration
| data_declaration
| task_declaration
| function_declaration
| checker_declaration
| dpi_import_export
| extern_constraint_declaration
| class_declaration
| class_constructor_declaration
| local_parameter_declaration ;
| parameter_declaration ;
| covergroup_declaration
| overload_declaration
| assertion_item_declaration
| ; - anonymous_program
- program ; { anonymous_program_item } endprogram
- anonymous_program_item
- task_declaration
| function_declaration
| class_declaration
| covergroup_declaration
| class_constructor_declaration
| ;
Declaration types
Module parameter declarations
- local_parameter_declaration
- localparam data_type_or_implicit list_of_param_assignments
| localparam type list_of_type_assignments - parameter_declaration
- parameter data_type_or_implicit list_of_param_assignments
| parameter type list_of_type_assignments - specparam_declaration
- specparam [ packed_dimension ] list_of_specparam_assignments ;
Port declarations
- inout_declaration
- inout net_port_type list_of_port_identifiers
- input_declaration
- input net_port_type list_of_port_identifiers
| input variable_port_type list_of_variable_identifiers - output_declaration
- output net_port_type list_of_port_identifiers
| output variable_port_type list_of_variable_port_identifiers - interface_port_declaration
- interface_identifier list_of_interface_identifiers
| interface_identifier . modport_identifier list_of_interface_identifiers - ref_declaration
- ref variable_port_type list_of_variable_identifiers
Type declarations
- data_declaration10
- [ const ] [ var ] [ lifetime ] data_type_or_implicit list_of_variable_decl_assignments ;
| type_declaration
| package_import_declaration 11
| net_type_declaration - package_import_declaration
- import package_import_item { , package_import_item } ;
- package_import_item
- package_identifier :: identifier
| package_identifier :: * - package_export_declaration
- export *::* ;
| export package_import_item { , package_import_item } ; - genvar_declaration
- genvar list_of_genvar_identifiers ;
- net_declaration12
- net_type [ drive_strength | charge_strength ] [ vectored | scalared ] data_type_or_implicit [ delay3 ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| net_type_identifier [ delay_control ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| interconnect implicit_data_type [ # delay_value ] net_identifier { unpacked_dimension } [ , net_identifier { unpacked_dimension } ] ; - type_declaration
- typedef data_type type_identifier { variable_dimension } ;
| typedef interface_instance_identifier constant_bit_select . type_identifier type_identifier ;
| typedef [ enum | struct | union | class | interface class ] type_identifier ; - net_type_declaration
- nettype data_type net_type_identifier [ with [ package_scope | class_scope ] tf_identifier ] ;
| nettype [ package_scope | class_scope ] net_type_identifier net_type_identifier ; - lifetime
- static
| automatic
Declaration data types
Net and variable types
- casting_type
- simple_type
| constant_primary
| signing
| string
| const - data_type
- integer_vector_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension }
| integer_atom_type [ signing ]
| non_integer_type
| struct_union [ packed [ signing ] ] { struct_union_member { struct_union_member } } { packed_dimension }
| enum [ enum_base_type ] { enum_name_declaration { , enum_name_declaration } } { packed_dimension } 13
| string
| chandle
| virtual [ interface ] interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] [ . modport_identifier ]
| [ class_scope | package_scope ] type_identifier { packed_dimension }
| class_type
| event
| ps_covergroup_identifier
| type_reference 14 - data_type_or_implicit
- data_type
| implicit_data_type - implicit_data_type
- [ signing ] { packed_dimension }
- enum_base_type
- integer_atom_type [ signing ]
| integer_vector_type [ signing ] [ packed_dimension ]
| type_identifier [ packed_dimension ] 14 - enum_name_declaration
- enum_identifier [ [ integral_number [ : integral_number ] ] ] [ = constant_expression ]
- class_scope
- class_type ::
- class_type
- ps_class_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] { :: class_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] }
- integer_type
- integer_vector_type
| integer_atom_type - integer_atom_type
- byte
| shortint
| int
| longint
| integer
| time - integer_vector_type
- bit
| logic
| reg - non_integer_type
- shortreal
| real
| realtime - net_type
- supply0
| supply1
| tri
| triand
| trior
| trireg
| tri0
| tri1
| uwire
| wire
| wand | wor - net_port_type
- [ net_type ] data_type_or_implicit
| net_type_identifier
| interconnect implicit_data_type - variable_port_type
- var_data_type
- var_data_type
- data_type
| var data_type_or_implicit - signing
- signed
| unsigned - simple_type
- integer_type
| non_integer_type
| ps_type_identifier
| ps_parameter_identifier - struct_union_member15
- { attribute_instance } [ random_qualifier ] data_type_or_void list_of_variable_decl_assignments ;
- data_type_or_void
- data_type
| void - struct_union
- struct
| union [ tagged ] - type_reference
- type ( expression 16 )
| type ( data_type )
- drive_strength
- ( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength0 , highz1 )
| ( strength1 , highz0 )
| ( highz0 , strength1 )
| ( highz1 , strength0 ) - strength0
- supply0
| strong0
| pull0
| weak0 - strength1
- supply1
| strong1
| pull1
| weak1 - charge_strength
- ( small )
| ( medium )
| ( large )
- delay3
- # delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression [ , mintypmax_expression [ , mintypmax_expression ] ] ) - delay2
- # delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression [ , mintypmax_expression ] ) - delay_value
- unsigned_number
| real_number
| ps_identifier
| time_literal
| 1step
Declaration lists
- list_of_defparam_assignments
- defparam_assignment { , defparam_assignment }
- list_of_genvar_identifiers
- genvar_identifier { , genvar_identifier }
- list_of_interface_identifiers
- interface_identifier { unpacked_dimension } { , interface_identifier { unpacked_dimension } }
- list_of_net_decl_assignments
- net_decl_assignment { , net_decl_assignment }
- list_of_param_assignments
- param_assignment { , param_assignment }
- list_of_port_identifiers
- port_identifier { unpacked_dimension } { , port_identifier { unpacked_dimension } }
- list_of_udp_port_identifiers
- port_identifier { , port_identifier }
- list_of_specparam_assignments
- specparam_assignment { , specparam_assignment }
- list_of_tf_variable_identifiers
- port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = expression ] { , port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = expression ] }
- list_of_type_assignments
- type_assignment { , type_assignment }
- list_of_variable_decl_assignments
- variable_decl_assignment { , variable_decl_assignment }
- list_of_variable_identifiers
- variable_identifier { variable_dimension } { , variable_identifier { variable_dimension } }
- list_of_variable_port_identifiers
- port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = constant_expression ] { , port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = constant_expression ] }
Declaration assignments
- defparam_assignment
- hierarchical_parameter_identifier = constant_mintypmax_expression
- net_decl_assignment
- net_identifier { unpacked_dimension } [ = expression ]
- param_assignment
- parameter_identifier { unpacked_dimension } [ = constant_param_expression ]
- specparam_assignment
- specparam_identifier = constant_mintypmax_expression
| pulse_control_specparam - type_assignment
- type_identifier [ = data_type ] 17
- pulse_control_specparam
- PATHPULSE$ = ( reject_limit_value [ , error_limit_value ] )
| PATHPULSE$ specify_input_terminal_descriptor $ specify_output_terminal_descriptor = ( reject_limit_value [ , error_limit_value ] ) - error_limit_value
- limit_value
- reject_limit_value
- limit_value
- limit_value
- constant_mintypmax_expression
- variable_decl_assignment
- variable_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = expression ]
| dynamic_array_variable_identifier unsized_dimension { variable_dimension } [ = dynamic_array_new ]
| class_variable_identifier [ = class_new ] - class_new18
- [ class_scope ] new [ ( list_of_arguments ) ]
| new expression - dynamic_array_new
- new [ expression ] [ ( expression ) ]
Declaration ranges
- unpacked_dimension
- [ constant_range ]
| [ constant_expression ] - packed_dimension19
- [ constant_range ]
| unsized_dimension - associative_dimension
- [ data_type ]
| [ * ] - variable_dimension
- unsized_dimension
| unpacked_dimension
| associative_dimension
| queue_dimension - queue_dimension
- [ $ [ : constant_expression ] ]
- unsized_dimension
- [ ]
Function declarations
- function_data_type_or_implicit
- data_type_or_void
| implicit_data_type - function_declaration
- function [ lifetime ] function_body_declaration
- function_body_declaration
- function_data_type_or_implicit [ interface_identifier . | class_scope ] function_identifier ; { tf_item_declaration } { function_statement_or_null } endfunction [ : function_identifier ]
| function_data_type_or_implicit [ interface_identifier . | class_scope ] function_identifier ( [ tf_port_list ] ) ; { block_item_declaration } { function_statement_or_null } endfunction [ : function_identifier ] - function_prototype
- function data_type_or_void function_identifier [ ( [ tf_port_list ] ) ]
- dpi_import_export
- import dpi_spec_string [ dpi_function_import_property ] [ c_identifier = ] dpi_function_proto ;
| import dpi_spec_string [ dpi_task_import_property ] [ c_identifier = ] dpi_task_proto ;
| export dpi_spec_string [ c_identifier = ] function function_identifier ;
| export dpi_spec_string [ c_identifier = ] task task_identifier ; - dpi_spec_string
- " DPI-C "
| " DPI " - dpi_function_import_property
- context
| pure - dpi_task_import_property
- context
- dpi_function_proto20,21
- function_prototype
- dpi_task_proto21
- task_prototype
Task declarations
- task_declaration
- task [ lifetime ] task_body_declaration
- task_body_declaration
- [ interface_identifier . | class_scope ] task_identifier ; { tf_item_declaration } { statement_or_null } endtask [ : task_identifier ]
| [ interface_identifier . | class_scope ] task_identifier ( [ tf_port_list ] ) ; { block_item_declaration } { statement_or_null } endtask [ : task_identifier ] - tf_item_declaration
- block_item_declaration
| tf_port_declaration - tf_port_list
- tf_port_item { , tf_port_item }
- tf_port_item
- { attribute_instance } [ tf_port_direction ] [ var ] data_type_or_implicit [ port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = expression ] ]
- tf_port_direction22
- port_direction
| const ref - tf_port_declaration
- { attribute_instance } tf_port_direction [ var ] data_type_or_implicit list_of_tf_variable_identifiers ;
- task_prototype
- task task_identifier [ ( [ tf_port_list ] ) ]
Block item declarations
- block_item_declaration
- { attribute_instance } data_declaration
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } overload_declaration
| { attribute_instance } let_declaration - overload_declaration
- bind overload_operator function data_type function_identifier ( overload_proto_formals ) ;
- overload_operator
- +
| ++
| -
| –
| *
| **
| /
| %
| ==
| !=
| <
| <=
| >
| >=
| = - overload_proto_formals
- data_type { , data_type }
Interface declarations
- modport_declaration
- modport modport_item { , modport_item } ;
- modport_item
- modport_identifier ( modport_ports_declaration { , modport_ports_declaration } )
- modport_ports_declaration
- { attribute_instance } modport_simple_ports_declaration
| { attribute_instance } modport_tf_ports_declaration
| { attribute_instance } modport_clocking_declaration - modport_clocking_declaration
- clocking clocking_identifier
- modport_simple_ports_declaration
- port_direction modport_simple_port { , modport_simple_port }
- modport_simple_port
- port_identifier
| . port_identifier ( [ expression ] ) - modport_tf_ports_declaration
- import_export modport_tf_port { , modport_tf_port }
- modport_tf_port
- method_prototype
| tf_identifier - import_export
- import
| export
Assertion declarations
- concurrent_assertion_item
- [ block_identifier : ] concurrent_assertion_statement
| checker_instantiation - concurrent_assertion_statement
- assert_property_statement
| assume_property_statement
| cover_property_statement
| cover_sequence_statement
| restrict_property_statement - assert_property_statement
- assert property ( property_spec ) action_block
- assume_property_statement
- assume property ( property_spec ) action_block
- cover_property_statement
- cover property ( property_spec ) statement_or_null
- expect_property_statement
- expect ( property_spec ) action_block
- cover_sequence_statement
- cover sequence ( [ clocking_event ] [ disable iff ( expression_or_dist ) ] sequence_expr ) statement_or_null
- restrict_property_statement
- restrict property ( property_spec ) ;
- property_instance
- ps_or_hierarchical_property_identifier [ ( [ property_list_of_arguments ] ) ]
- property_list_of_arguments
- [ property_actual_arg ] { , [ property_actual_arg ] } { , . identifier ( [ property_actual_arg ] ) }
| . identifier ( [ property_actual_arg ] ) { , . identifier ( [ property_actual_arg ] ) } - property_actual_arg
- property_expr
| sequence_actual_arg - assertion_item_declaration
- property_declaration
| sequence_declaration
| let_declaration - property_declaration
- property property_identifier [ ( [ property_port_list ] ) ] ; { assertion_variable_declaration } property_spec [ ; ] endproperty [ : property_identifier ]
- property_port_list
- property_port_item { , property_port_item }
- property_port_item
- { attribute_instance } [ local [ property_lvar_port_direction ] ] property_formal_type formal_port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = property_actual_arg ]
- property_lvar_port_direction
- input
- property_formal_type
- sequence_formal_type
| property - property_spec
- [ clocking_event ] [ disable iff ( expression_or_dist ) ] property_expr
- property_expr
- sequence_expr
| strong ( sequence_expr )
| weak ( sequence_expr )
| ( property_expr )
| not property_expr
| property_expr or property_expr
| property_expr and property_expr
| sequence_expr |-> property_expr
| sequence_expr |=> property_expr
| if ( expression_or_dist ) property_expr [ else property_expr ]
| case ( expression_or_dist ) property_case_item { property_case_item } endcase
| sequence_expr #-# property_expr
| sequence_expr #=# property_expr
| nexttime property_expr
| nexttime [ constant expression ] property_expr
| s_nexttime property_expr
| s_nexttime [ constant_expression ] property_expr
| always property_expr
| always [ cycle_delay_const_range_expression ] property_expr
| s_always [ constant_range ] property_expr
| s_eventually property_expr
| eventually [ constant_range ] property_expr
| s_eventually [ cycle_delay_const_range_expression ] property_expr
| property_expr until property_expr
| property_expr s_until property_expr
| property_expr until_with property_expr
| property_expr s_until_with property_expr
| property_expr implies property_expr
| property_expr iff property_expr
| accept_on ( expression_or_dist ) property_expr
| reject_on ( expression_or_dist ) property_expr
| sync_accept_on ( expression_or_dist ) property_expr
| sync_reject_on ( expression_or_dist ) property_expr
| property_instance
| clocking_event property_expr - property_case_item
- expression_or_dist { , expression_or_dist } : property_expr [ ; ]
| default [ : ] property_expr [ ; ] - sequence_declaration
- sequence sequence_identifier [ ( [ sequence_port_list ] ) ] ; { assertion_variable_declaration } sequence_expr [ ; ] endsequence [ : sequence_identifier ]
- sequence_port_list
- sequence_port_item { , sequence_port_item }
- sequence_port_item
- { attribute_instance } [ local [ sequence_lvar_port_direction ] ] sequence_formal_type formal_port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = sequence_actual_arg ]
- sequence_lvar_port_direction
- input
| inout
| output - sequence_formal_type
- data_type_or_implicit
| sequence
| untyped - sequence_expr
- cycle_delay_range sequence_expr { cycle_delay_range sequence_expr }
| sequence_expr cycle_delay_range sequence_expr { cycle_delay_range sequence_expr }
| expression_or_dist [ boolean_abbrev ]
| sequence_instance [ sequence_abbrev ]
| ( sequence_expr { , sequence_match_item } ) [ sequence_abbrev ]
| sequence_expr and sequence_expr
| sequence_expr intersect sequence_expr
| sequence_expr or sequence_expr
| first_match ( sequence_expr { , sequence_match_item } )
| expression_or_dist throughout sequence_expr
| sequence_expr within sequence_expr
| clocking_event sequence_expr - cycle_delay_range
- ## constant_primary
| ## [ cycle_delay_const_range_expression ]
| ##[*]
| ##[+] - sequence_method_call
- sequence_instance . method_identifier
- sequence_match_item
- operator_assignment
| inc_or_dec_expression
| subroutine_call - sequence_instance
- ps_or_hierarchical_sequence_identifier [ ( [ sequence_list_of_arguments ] ) ]
- sequence_list_of_arguments
- [ sequence_actual_arg ] { , [ sequence_actual_arg ] } { , . identifier ( [ sequence_actual_arg ] ) }
| . identifier ( [ sequence_actual_arg ] ) { , . identifier ( [ sequence_actual_arg ] ) } - sequence_actual_arg
- event_expression
| sequence_expr - boolean_abbrev
- consecutive_repetition
| non_consecutive_repetition
| goto_repetition - sequence_abbrev
- consecutive_repetition
- consecutive_repetition
- [* const_or_range_expression ]
| [*]
| [+] - non_consecutive_repetition
- [= const_or_range_expression ]
- goto_repetition
- [-> const_or_range_expression ]
- const_or_range_expression
- constant_expression
| cycle_delay_const_range_expression - cycle_delay_const_range_expression
- constant_expression : constant_expression
| constant_expression : $ - expression_or_dist
- expression [ dist { dist_list } ]
- assertion_variable_declaration
- var_data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ;
- let_declaration
- let let_identifier [ ( [ let_port_list ] ) ] = expression ;
- let_identifier
- identifier
- let_port_list
- let_port_item { , let_port_item }
- let_port_item
- { attribute_instance } let_formal_type formal_port_identifier { variable_dimension } [ = expression ]
- let_formal_type
- data_type_or_implicit
| untyped - let_expression
- [ package_scope ] let_identifier [ ( [ let_list_of_arguments ] ) ]
- let_list_of_arguments
- [ let_actual_arg ] { , [ let_actual_arg ] } { , . identifier ( [ let_actual_arg ] ) }
| . identifier ( [ let_actual_arg ] ) { , . identifier ( [ let_actual_arg ] ) } - let_actual_arg
- expression
Covergroup declarations
- covergroup_declaration
- covergroup covergroup_identifier [ ( [ tf_port_list ] ) ] [ coverage_event ] ; { coverage_spec_or_option } endgroup [ : covergroup_identifier ]
- coverage_spec_or_option
- { attribute_instance } coverage_spec
| { attribute_instance } coverage_option ; - coverage_option
- option . member_identifier = expression
| type_option . member_identifier = constant_expression - coverage_spec
- cover_point
| cover_cross - coverage_event
- clocking_event
| with function sample ( [ tf_port_list ] )
| @@ ( block_event_expression ) - block_event_expression
- block_event_expression or block_event_expression
| begin hierarchical_btf_identifier
| end hierarchical_btf_identifier - hierarchical_btf_identifier
- hierarchical_tf_identifier
| hierarchical_block_identifier
| [ hierarchical_identifier . | class_scope ] method_identifier - cover_point
- [ [ data_type_or_implicit ] cover_point_identifier : ] coverpoint expression [ iff ( expression ) ] bins_or_empty
- bins_or_empty
- { { attribute_instance } { bins_or_options ; } }
| ; - bins_or_options
- coverage_option
| [ wildcard ] bins_keyword bin_identifier [ [ [ covergroup_expression ] ] ] = { covergroup_range_list } [ with ( with_covergroup_expression ) ] [ iff ( expression ) ]
| [ wildcard ] bins_keyword bin_identifier [ [ [ covergroup_expression ] ] ] = cover_point_identifier [ with ( with_covergroup_expression ) ] [ iff ( expression ) ]
| [ wildcard ] bins_keyword bin_identifier [ [ [ covergroup_expression ] ] ] = set_covergroup_expression [ iff ( expression ) ]
| [ wildcard ] bins_keyword bin_identifier [ [ ] ] = trans_list [ iff ( expression ) ]
| bins_keyword bin_identifier [ [ [ covergroup_expression ] ] ] = default [ iff ( expression ) ]
| bins_keyword bin_identifier = default sequence [ iff ( expression ) ] - bins_keyword
- bins
| illegal_bins
| ignore_bins - trans_list
- ( trans_set ) { , ( trans_set ) }
- trans_set
- trans_range_list { => trans_range_list }
- trans_range_list
- trans_item
| trans_item [* repeat_range ]
| trans_item [-> repeat_range ]
| trans_item [= repeat_range ] - trans_item
- covergroup_range_list
- repeat_range
- covergroup_expression
| covergroup_expression : covergroup_expression - cover_cross
- [ cross_identifier : ] cross list_of_cross_items [ iff ( expression ) ] cross_body
- list_of_cross_items
- cross_item , cross_item { , cross_item }
- cross_item
- cover_point_identifier
| variable_identifier - cross_body
- { { cross_body_item ; } }
| ; - cross_body_item
- function_declaration
| bins_selection_or_option ; - bins_selection_or_option
- { attribute_instance } coverage_option
| { attribute_instance } bins_selection - bins_selection
- bins_keyword bin_identifier = select_expression [ iff ( expression ) ]
- select_expression23
- select_condition
| ! select_condition
| select_expression && select_expression
| select_expression || select_expression
| ( select_expression )
| select_expression with ( with_covergroup_expression ) [ matches integer_covergroup_expression ]
| cross_identifier
| cross_set_expression [ matches integer_covergroup_expression ] - select_condition
- binsof ( bins_expression ) [ intersect { covergroup_range_list } ]
- bins_expression
- variable_identifier
| cover_point_identifier [ . bin_identifier ] - covergroup_range_list
- covergroup_value_range { , covergroup_value_range }
- covergroup_value_range
- covergroup_expression
| [ covergroup_expression : covergroup_expression ] 24 - with_covergroup_expression
- covergroup_expression 25
- set_covergroup_expression
- covergroup_expression 26
- integer_covergroup_expression
- covergroup_expression
- cross_set_expression
- covergroup_expression
- covergroup_expression
- expression 27
Primitive instances
Primitive instantiation and instances
- gate_instantiation
- cmos_switchtype [ delay3 ] cmos_switch_instance { , cmos_switch_instance } ;
| enable_gatetype [ drive_strength ] [ delay3 ] enable_gate_instance { , enable_gate_instance } ;
| mos_switchtype [ delay3 ] mos_switch_instance { , mos_switch_instance } ;
| n_input_gatetype [ drive_strength ] [ delay2 ] n_input_gate_instance { , n_input_gate_instance } ;
| n_output_gatetype [ drive_strength ] [ delay2 ] n_output_gate_instance { , n_output_gate_instance } ;
| pass_en_switchtype [ delay2 ] pass_enable_switch_instance { , pass_enable_switch_instance } ;
| pass_switchtype pass_switch_instance { , pass_switch_instance } ;
| pulldown [ pulldown_strength ] pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ;
| pullup [ pullup_strength ] pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ; - cmos_switch_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal , ncontrol_terminal , pcontrol_terminal )
- enable_gate_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal , enable_terminal )
- mos_switch_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal , enable_terminal )
- n_input_gate_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal { , input_terminal } )
- n_output_gate_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( output_terminal { , output_terminal } , input_terminal )
- pass_switch_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( inout_terminal , inout_terminal )
- pass_enable_switch_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( inout_terminal , inout_terminal , enable_terminal )
- pull_gate_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( output_terminal )
Primitive strengths
- pulldown_strength
- ( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength0 ) - pullup_strength
- ( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength1 )
Primitive terminals
- enable_terminal
- expression
- inout_terminal
- net_lvalue
- input_terminal
- expression
- ncontrol_terminal
- expression
- output_terminal
- net_lvalue
- pcontrol_terminal
- expression
Primitive gate and switch types
- cmos_switchtype
- cmos
| rcmos - enable_gatetype
- bufif0
| bufif1
| notif0
| notif1 - mos_switchtype
- nmos
| pmos
| rnmos
| rpmos - n_input_gatetype
- and
| nand
| or
| nor
| xor
| xnor - n_output_gatetype
- buf
| not - pass_en_switchtype
- tranif0
| tranif1
| rtranif1
| rtranif0 - pass_switchtype
- tran
| rtran
Module instantation
- module_instantiation
- module_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] hierarchical_instance { , hierarchical_instance } ;
- parameter_value_assignment
- # ( [ list_of_parameter_assignments ] )
- list_of_parameter_assignments
- ordered_parameter_assignment { , ordered_parameter_assignment }
| named_parameter_assignment { , named_parameter_assignment } - ordered_parameter_assignment
- param_expression
- named_parameter_assignment
- . parameter_identifier ( [ param_expression ] )
- hierarchical_instance
- name_of_instance ( [ list_of_port_connections ] )
- name_of_instance
- instance_identifier { unpacked_dimension }
- list_of_port_connections28
- ordered_port_connection { , ordered_port_connection }
| named_port_connection { , named_port_connection } - ordered_port_connection
- { attribute_instance } [ expression ]
- named_port_connection
- { attribute_instance } . port_identifier [ ( [ expression ] ) ]
| { attribute_instance } .*
Interface instantiation
- interface_instantiation
- interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] hierarchical_instance { , hierarchical_instance } ;
Program instantiation
- program_instantiation
- program_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] hierarchical_instance { , hierarchical_instance } ;
Checker instantiation
- checker_instantiation
- ps_checker_identifier name_of_instance ( [ list_of_checker_port_connections ] ) ;
- list_of_checker_port_connections28
- ordered_checker_port_connection { , ordered_checker_port_connection }
| named_checker_port_connection { , named_checker_port_connection } - ordered_checker_port_connection
- { attribute_instance } [ property_actual_arg ]
- named_checker_port_connection
- { attribute_instance } . formal_port_identifier [ ( [ property_actual_arg ] ) ]
| { attribute_instance } .*
Generated instantiation
- generate_region
- generate { generate_item } endgenerate
- loop_generate_construct
- for ( genvar_initialization ; genvar_expression ; genvar_iteration ) generate_block
- genvar_initialization
- [ genvar ] genvar_identifier = constant_expression
- genvar_iteration
- genvar_identifier assignment_operator genvar_expression
| inc_or_dec_operator genvar_identifier
| genvar_identifier inc_or_dec_operator - conditional_generate_construct
- if_generate_construct
| case_generate_construct - if_generate_construct
- if ( constant_expression ) generate_block [ else generate_block ]
- case_generate_construct
- case ( constant_expression ) case_generate_item { case_generate_item } endcase
- case_generate_item
- constant_expression { , constant_expression } : generate_block
| default [ : ] generate_block - generate_block
- generate_item
| [ generate_block_identifier : ] begin [ : generate_block_identifier ] { generate_item } end [ : generate_block_identifier ] - generate_item29
- module_or_generate_item
| interface_or_generate_item
| checker_or_generate_item
UDP declaration and instantiation
UDP declaration
- udp_nonansi_declaration
- { attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_port_list ) ;
- udp_ansi_declaration
- { attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_declaration_port_list ) ;
- udp_declaration
- udp_nonansi_declaration udp_port_declaration { udp_port_declaration } udp_body endprimitive [ : udp_identifier ]
| udp_ansi_declaration udp_body endprimitive [ : udp_identifier ]
| extern udp_nonansi_declaration
| extern udp_ansi_declaration
| { attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( .* ) ; { udp_port_declaration } udp_body endprimitive [ : udp_identifier ]
UDP ports
- udp_port_list
- output_port_identifier , input_port_identifier { , input_port_identifier }
- udp_declaration_port_list
- udp_output_declaration , udp_input_declaration { , udp_input_declaration }
- udp_port_declaration
- udp_output_declaration ;
| udp_input_declaration ;
| udp_reg_declaration ; - udp_output_declaration
- { attribute_instance } output port_identifier
| { attribute_instance } output reg port_identifier [ = constant_expression ] - udp_input_declaration
- { attribute_instance } input list_of_udp_port_identifiers
- udp_reg_declaration
- { attribute_instance } reg variable_identifier
UDP body
- udp_body
- combinational_body
| sequential_body - combinational_body
- table combinational_entry { combinational_entry } endtable
- combinational_entry
- level_input_list : output_symbol ;
- sequential_body
- [ udp_initial_statement ] table sequential_entry { sequential_entry } endtable
- udp_initial_statement
- initial output_port_identifier = init_val ;
- init_val
- 1'b0
| 1'b1
| 1'bx
| 1'bX
| 1'B0
| 1'B1
| 1'Bx
| 1'BX
| 1
| 0 - sequential_entry
- seq_input_list : current_state : next_state ;
- seq_input_list
- level_input_list
| edge_input_list - level_input_list
- level_symbol { level_symbol }
- edge_input_list
- { level_symbol } edge_indicator { level_symbol }
- edge_indicator
- ( level_symbol level_symbol )
| edge_symbol - current_state
- level_symbol
- next_state
- output_symbol
| - - output_symbol
- 0
| 1
| x
| X - level_symbol
- 0
| 1
| x
| X
| ?
| b
| B - edge_symbol
- r
| R
| f
| F
| p
| P
| n
| N
| *
UDP instantiation
- udp_instantiation
- udp_identifier [ drive_strength ] [ delay2 ] udp_instance { , udp_instance } ;
- udp_instance
- [ name_of_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal { , input_terminal } )
Behavioral assignments
Continuous assignment and net alias statements
- continuous_assign
- assign [ drive_strength ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_assignments ;
| assign [ delay_control ] list_of_variable_assignments ; - list_of_net_assignments
- net_assignment { , net_assignment }
- list_of_variable_assignments
- variable_assignment { , variable_assignment }
- net_alias
- alias net_lvalue = net_lvalue { = net_lvalue } ;
- net_assignment
- net_lvalue = expression
Procedural blocks and assignments
- initial_construct
- initial statement_or_null
- always_construct
- always_keyword statement
- always_keyword
- always
| always_comb
| always_latch
| always_ff - final_construct
- final function_statement
- blocking_assignment
- variable_lvalue = delay_or_event_control expression
| nonrange_variable_lvalue = dynamic_array_new
| [ implicit_class_handle . | class_scope | package_scope ] hierarchical_variable_identifier select != class_new
| operator_assignment - operator_assignment
- variable_lvalue assignment_operator expression
- assignment_operator
- =
| +=
| -=
| *=
| /=
| %=
| &=
| |=
| ^=
| <<=
| >>=
| <<<=
| >>>= - nonblocking_assignment
- variable_lvalue <= [ delay_or_event_control ] expression
- procedural_continuous_assignment
- assign variable_assignment
| deassign variable_lvalue
| force variable_assignment
| force net_assignment
| release variable_lvalue
| release net_lvalue - variable_assignment
- variable_lvalue = expression
Parallel and sequential blocks
- action_block
- statement_or_null
| [ statement ] else statement_or_null - seq_block
- begin [ : block_identifier ] { block_item_declaration } { statement_or_null } end [ : block_identifier ]
- par_block
- fork [ : block_identifier ] { block_item_declaration } { statement_or_null } join_keyword [ : block_identifier ]
- join_keyword
- join
| join_any
| join_none
- statement_or_null
- statement
| { attribute_instance } ; - statement
- [ block_identifier : ] { attribute_instance } statement_item
- statement_item
- blocking_assignment ;
| nonblocking_assignment ;
| procedural_continuous_assignment ;
| case_statement
| conditional_statement
| inc_or_dec_expression ;
| subroutine_call_statement
| disable_statement
| event_trigger
| loop_statement
| jump_statement
| par_block
| procedural_timing_control_statement
| seq_block
| wait_statement
| procedural_assertion_statement
| clocking_drive ;
| randsequence_statement
| randcase_statement
| expect_property_statement - function_statement
- statement
- function_statement_or_null
- function_statement
| { attribute_instance } ; - variable_identifier_list
- variable_identifier { , variable_identifier }
Timing control statements
- procedural_timing_control_statement
- procedural_timing_control statement_or_null
- delay_or_event_control
- delay_control
| event_control
| repeat ( expression ) event_control - delay_control
- # delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression ) - event_control
- @ hierarchical_event_identifier
| @ ( event_expression )
| @*
| @ (*)
| @ ps_or_hierarchical_sequence_identifier - event_expression30
- [ edge_identifier ] expression [ iff expression ]
| sequence_instance [ iff expression ]
| event_expression or event_expression
| event_expression , event_expression
| ( event_expression ) - procedural_timing_control
- delay_control
| event_control
| cycle_delay - jump_statement
- return [ expression ] ;
| break ;
| continue ; - wait_statement
- wait ( expression ) statement_or_null
| wait fork ;
| wait_order ( hierarchical_identifier { , hierarchical_identifier } ) action_block - event_trigger
- -> hierarchical_event_identifier ;
| ->> [ delay_or_event_control ] hierarchical_event_identifier ; - disable_statement
- disable hierarchical_task_identifier ;
| disable hierarchical_block_identifier ;
| disable fork ;
Conditional statements
- conditional_statement
- [ unique_priority ] if ( cond_predicate ) statement_or_null { else if ( cond_predicate ) statement_or_null } [ else statement_or_null ]
- unique_priority
- unique
| unique0
| priority - cond_predicate
- expression_or_cond_pattern { &&& expression_or_cond_pattern }
- expression_or_cond_pattern
- expression
| cond_pattern - cond_pattern
- expression matches pattern
Case statements
- case_statement
- [ unique_priority ] case_keyword ( case_expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase
| [ unique_priority ] case_keyword ( case_expression ) matches case_pattern_item { case_pattern_item } endcase
| [ unique_priority ] case ( case_expression ) inside case_inside_item { case_inside_item } endcase - case_keyword
- case
| casez
| casex - case_expression
- expression
- case_item
- case_item_expression { , case_item_expression } : statement_or_null
| default [ : ] statement_or_null - case_pattern_item
- pattern [ &&& expression ] : statement_or_null
| default [ : ] statement_or_null - case_inside_item
- open_range_list : statement_or_null
| default [ : ] statement_or_null - case_item_expression
- expression
- randcase_statement
- randcase randcase_item { randcase_item } endcase
- randcase_item
- expression : statement_or_null
- open_range_list
- open_value_range { , open_value_range }
- open_value_range
- value_range 24
- pattern
- . variable_identifier
| .*
| constant_expression
| tagged member_identifier [ pattern ]
| '{ pattern { , pattern } }
| '{ member_identifier : pattern { , member_identifier : pattern } } - assignment_pattern
- '{ expression { , expression } }
| '{ structure_pattern_key : expression { , structure_pattern_key : expression } }
| '{ array_pattern_key : expression { , array_pattern_key : expression } }
| '{ constant_expression { expression { , expression } } } - structure_pattern_key
- member_identifier
| assignment_pattern_key - array_pattern_key
- constant_expression
| assignment_pattern_key - assignment_pattern_key
- simple_type
| default - assignment_pattern_expression
- [ assignment_pattern_expression_type ] assignment_pattern
- assignment_pattern_expression_type
- ps_type_identifier
| ps_parameter_identifier
| integer_atom_type
| type_reference - constant_assignment_pattern_expression31
- assignment_pattern_expression
- assignment_pattern_net_lvalue
- '{ net_lvalue { , net_lvalue } }
- assignment_pattern_variable_lvalue
- '{ variable_lvalue { , variable_lvalue } }
Looping statements
- loop_statement
- forever statement_or_null
| repeat ( expression ) statement_or_null
| while ( expression ) statement_or_null
| for ( [ for_initialization ] ; [ expression ] ; [ for_step ] ) statement_or_null
| do statement_or_null while ( expression ) ;
| foreach ( ps_or_hierarchical_array_identifier [ loop_variables ] ) statement - for_initialization
- list_of_variable_assignments
| for_variable_declaration { , for_variable_declaration } - for_variable_declaration
- [ var ] data_type variable_identifier = expression { , variable_identifier = expression }
- for_step
- for_step_assignment { , for_step_assignment }
- for_step_assignment
- operator_assignment
| inc_or_dec_expression
| function_subroutine_call - loop_variables
- [ index_variable_identifier ] { , [ index_variable_identifier ] }
Subroutine call statements
- subroutine_call_statement
- subroutine_call ;
| void ' ( function_subroutine_call ) ;
Assertion statements
- assertion_item
- concurrent_assertion_item
| deferred_immediate_assertion_item - deferred_immediate_assertion_item
- [ block_identifier : ] deferred_immediate_assertion_statement
- procedural_assertion_statement
- concurrent_assertion_statement
| immediate_assertion_statement
| checker_instantiation - immediate_assertion_statement
- simple_immediate_assertion_statement
| deferred_immediate_assertion_statement - simple_immediate_assertion_statement
- simple_immediate_assert_statement
| simple_immediate_assume_statement
| simple_immediate_cover_statement - simple_immediate_assert_statement
- assert ( expression ) action_block
- simple_immediate_assume_statement
- assume ( expression ) action_block
- simple_immediate_cover_statement
- cover ( expression ) statement_or_null
- deferred_immediate_assertion_statement
- deferred_immediate_assert_statement
| deferred_immediate_assume_statement
| deferred_immediate_cover_statement - deferred_immediate_assert_statement
- assert #0 ( expression ) action_block
| assert final ( expression ) action_block - deferred_immediate_assume_statement
- assume #0 ( expression ) action_block
| assume final ( expression ) action_block - deferred_immediate_cover_statement
- cover #0 ( expression ) statement_or_null
| cover final ( expression ) statement_or_null
Clocking block
- clocking_declaration
- [ default ] clocking [ clocking_identifier ] clocking_event ; { clocking_item } endclocking [ : clocking_identifier ]
| global clocking [ clocking_identifier ] clocking_event ; endclocking [ : clocking_identifier ] - clocking_event
- @ identifier
| @ ( event_expression ) - clocking_item
- default default_skew ;
| clocking_direction list_of_clocking_decl_assign ;
| { attribute_instance } assertion_item_declaration - default_skew
- input clocking_skew
| output clocking_skew
| input clocking_skew output clocking_skew - clocking_direction
- input [ clocking_skew ]
| output [ clocking_skew ]
| input [ clocking_skew ] output [ clocking_skew ]
| inout - list_of_clocking_decl_assign
- clocking_decl_assign { , clocking_decl_assign }
- clocking_decl_assign
- signal_identifier [ = expression ]
- clocking_skew
- edge_identifier [ delay_control ]
| delay_control - clocking_drive
- clockvar_expression <= [ cycle_delay ] expression
- cycle_delay
- ## integral_number
| ## identifier
| ## ( expression ) - clockvar
- hierarchical_identifier
- clockvar_expression
- clockvar select
- randsequence_statement
- randsequence ( [ production_identifier ] ) production { production } endsequence
- production
- [ data_type_or_void ] production_identifier [ ( tf_port_list ) ] : rs_rule { | rs_rule } ;
- rs_rule
- rs_production_list [ := weight_specification [ rs_code_block ] ]
- rs_production_list
- rs_prod { rs_prod }
| rand join [ ( expression ) ] production_item production_item { production_item } - weight_specification
- integral_number
| ps_identifier ( expression ) - rs_code_block
- { { data_declaration } { statement_or_null } }
- rs_prod
- production_item
| rs_code_block
| rs_if_else
| rs_repeat
| rs_case - production_item
- production_identifier [ ( list_of_arguments ) ]
- rs_if_else
- if ( expression ) production_item [ else production_item ]
- rs_repeat
- repeat ( expression ) production_item
- rs_case
- case ( case_expression ) rs_case_item { rs_case_item } endcase
- rs_case_item
- case_item_expression { , case_item_expression } : production_item ;
| default [ : ] production_item ;
Specify section
Specify block declaration
- specify_block
- specify { specify_item } endspecify
- specify_item
- specparam_declaration
| pulsestyle_declaration
| showcancelled_declaration
| path_declaration
| system_timing_check - pulsestyle_declaration
- pulsestyle_onevent list_of_path_outputs ;
| pulsestyle_ondetect list_of_path_outputs ; - showcancelled_declaration
- showcancelled list_of_path_outputs ;
| noshowcancelled list_of_path_outputs ;
Specify path declarations
- path_declaration
- simple_path_declaration ;
| edge_sensitive_path_declaration ;
| state_dependent_path_declaration ; - simple_path_declaration
- parallel_path_description = path_delay_value
| full_path_description = path_delay_value - parallel_path_description
- ( specify_input_terminal_descriptor [ polarity_operator ] => specify_output_terminal_descriptor )
- full_path_description
- ( list_of_path_inputs [ polarity_operator ] *> list_of_path_outputs )
- list_of_path_inputs
- specify_input_terminal_descriptor { , specify_input_terminal_descriptor }
- list_of_path_outputs
- specify_output_terminal_descriptor { , specify_output_terminal_descriptor }
Specify block terminals
- specify_input_terminal_descriptor
- input_identifier [ [ constant_range_expression ] ]
- specify_output_terminal_descriptor
- output_identifier [ [ constant_range_expression ] ]
- input_identifier
- input_port_identifier
| inout_port_identifier
| interface_identifier . port_identifier - output_identifier
- output_port_identifier
| inout_port_identifier
| interface_identifier . port_identifier
Specify path delays
- path_delay_value
- list_of_path_delay_expressions
| ( list_of_path_delay_expressions ) - list_of_path_delay_expressions
- t_path_delay_expression
| trise_path_delay_expression , tfall_path_delay_expression
| trise_path_delay_expression , tfall_path_delay_expression , tz_path_delay_expression
| t01_path_delay_expression , t10_path_delay_expression , t0z_path_delay_expression , tz1_path_delay_expression , t1z_path_delay_expression , tz0_path_delay_expression
| t01_path_delay_expression , t10_path_delay_expression , t0z_path_delay_expression , tz1_path_delay_expression , t1z_path_delay_expression , tz0_path_delay_expression , t0x_path_delay_expression , tx1_path_delay_expression , t1x_path_delay_expression , tx0_path_delay_expression , txz_path_delay_expression , tzx_path_delay_expression - t_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- trise_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- tfall_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- tz_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- t01_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- t10_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- t0z_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- tz1_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- t1z_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- tz0_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- t0x_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- tx1_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- t1x_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- tx0_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- txz_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- tzx_path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- path_delay_expression
- constant_mintypmax_expression
- edge_sensitive_path_declaration
- parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description = path_delay_value
| full_edge_sensitive_path_description = path_delay_value - parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description
- ( [ edge_identifier ] specify_input_terminal_descriptor [ polarity_operator ] => ( specify_output_terminal_descriptor [ polarity_operator ] : data_source_expression ) )
- full_edge_sensitive_path_description
- ( [ edge_identifier ] list_of_path_inputs [ polarity_operator ] *> ( list_of_path_outputs [ polarity_operator ] : data_source_expression ) )
- data_source_expression
- expression
- edge_identifier
- posedge
| negedge
| edge - state_dependent_path_declaration
- if ( module_path_expression ) simple_path_declaration
| if ( module_path_expression ) edge_sensitive_path_declaration
| ifnone simple_path_declaration - polarity_operator
- +
| -
System timing checks
System timing check commands
- system_timing_check
- setup_timing_check
| hold_timing_check
| setuphold_timing_check
| recovery_timing_check
| removal_timing_check
| recrem_timing_check
| skew_timing_check
| timeskew_timing_check
| fullskew_timing_check
| period_timing_check
| width_timing_check
| nochange_timing_check - setup_timing_check
- $setup ( data_event , reference_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
- hold_timing_check
- $hold ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
- setuphold_timing_check
- $setuphold ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] [ , [ timestamp_condition ] [ , [ timecheck_condition ] [ , [ delayed_reference ] [ , [ delayed_data ] ] ] ] ] ] ) ;
- recovery_timing_check
- $recovery ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
- removal_timing_check
- $removal ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
- recrem_timing_check
- $recrem ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] [ , [ timestamp_condition ] [ , [ timecheck_condition ] [ , [ delayed_reference ] [ , [ delayed_data ] ] ] ] ] ] ) ;
- skew_timing_check
- $skew ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
- timeskew_timing_check
- $timeskew ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] [ , [ event_based_flag ] [ , [ remain_active_flag ] ] ] ] ) ;
- fullskew_timing_check
- $fullskew ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] [ , [ event_based_flag ] [ , [ remain_active_flag ] ] ] ] ) ;
- period_timing_check
- $period ( controlled_reference_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
- width_timing_check
- $width ( controlled_reference_event , timing_check_limit , threshold [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
- nochange_timing_check
- $nochange ( reference_event , data_event , start_edge_offset , end_edge_offset [ , [ notifier ] ] ) ;
System timing check command arguments
- timecheck_condition
- mintypmax_expression
- controlled_reference_event
- controlled_timing_check_event
- data_event
- timing_check_event
- delayed_data
- terminal_identifier
| terminal_identifier [ constant_mintypmax_expression ] - delayed_reference
- terminal_identifier
| terminal_identifier [ constant_mintypmax_expression ] - end_edge_offset
- mintypmax_expression
- event_based_flag
- constant_expression
- notifier
- variable_identifier
- reference_event
- timing_check_event
- remain_active_flag
- constant_mintypmax_expression
- timestamp_condition
- mintypmax_expression
- start_edge_offset
- mintypmax_expression
- threshold
- constant_expression
- timing_check_limit
- expression
System timing check event definitions
- timing_check_event
- [ timing_check_event_control ] specify_terminal_descriptor [ &&& timing_check_condition ]
- controlled_timing_check_event
- timing_check_event_control specify_terminal_descriptor [ &&& timing_check_condition ]
- timing_check_event_control
- posedge
| negedge
| edge
| edge_control_specifier - specify_terminal_descriptor
- specify_input_terminal_descriptor
| specify_output_terminal_descriptor - edge_control_specifier
- edge [ edge_descriptor { , edge_descriptor } ]
- edge_descriptor32
- 01
| 10
| z_or_x zero_or_one
| zero_or_one z_or_x - zero_or_one
- 0
| 1 - z_or_x
- x
| X
| z
| Z - timing_check_condition
- scalar_timing_check_condition
| ( scalar_timing_check_condition ) - scalar_timing_check_condition
- expression
| ~ expression
| expression == scalar_constant
| expression === scalar_constant
| expression != scalar_constant
| expression !== scalar_constant - scalar_constant
- 1'b0
| 1'b1
| 1'B0
| 1'B1
| 'b0
| 'b1
| 'B0
| 'B1
| 1
| 0
- concatenation
- { expression { , expression } }
- constant_concatenation
- { constant_expression { , constant_expression } }
- constant_multiple_concatenation
- { constant_expression constant_concatenation }
- module_path_concatenation
- { module_path_expression { , module_path_expression } }
- module_path_multiple_concatenation
- { constant_expression module_path_concatenation }
- multiple_concatenation
- { expression concatenation } 33
- streaming_concatenation
- { stream_operator [ slice_size ] stream_concatenation }
- stream_operator
- >>
| << - slice_size
- simple_type
| constant_expression - stream_concatenation
- { stream_expression { , stream_expression } }
- stream_expression
- expression [ with [ array_range_expression ] ]
- array_range_expression
- expression
| expression : expression
| expression +: expression
| expression -: expression - empty_queue34
- { }
Subroutine calls
- constant_function_call
- function_subroutine_call 35
- tf_call36
- ps_or_hierarchical_tf_identifier { attribute_instance } [ ( list_of_arguments ) ]
- system_tf_call
- system_tf_identifier [ ( list_of_arguments ) ]
| system_tf_identifier ( data_type [ , expression ] ) - subroutine_call
- tf_call
| system_tf_call
| method_call
| [ std:: ] randomize_call - function_subroutine_call
- subroutine_call
- list_of_arguments
- [ expression ] { , [ expression ] } { , . identifier ( [ expression ] ) }
| . identifier ( [ expression ] ) { , . identifier ( [ expression ] ) } - method_call
- method_call_root . method_call_body
- method_call_body
- method_identifier { attribute_instance } [ ( list_of_arguments ) ]
| built_in_method_call - built_in_method_call
- array_manipulation_call
| randomize_call - array_manipulation_call
- array_method_name { attribute_instance } [ ( list_of_arguments ) ] [ with ( expression ) ]
- randomize_call
- randomize { attribute_instance } [ ( [ variable_identifier_list | null ] ) ] [ with [ ( [ identifier_list ] ) ] constraint_block ] 37
- method_call_root
- primary
| implicit_class_handle - array_method_name
- method_identifier
| unique
| and
| or
| xor
- inc_or_dec_expression
- inc_or_dec_operator { attribute_instance } variable_lvalue
| variable_lvalue { attribute_instance } inc_or_dec_operator - conditional_expression
- cond_predicate ? { attribute_instance } expression : expression
- constant_expression
- constant_primary
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_primary
| constant_expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_expression
| constant_expression ? { attribute_instance } constant_expression : constant_expression - constant_mintypmax_expression
- constant_expression
| constant_expression : constant_expression : constant_expression - constant_param_expression
- constant_mintypmax_expression
| data_type
| $ - param_expression
- mintypmax_expression
| data_type
| $ - constant_range_expression
- constant_expression
| constant_part_select_range - constant_part_select_range
- constant_range
| constant_indexed_range - constant_range
- constant_expression : constant_expression
- constant_indexed_range
- constant_expression +: constant_expression
| constant_expression -: constant_expression - expression
- primary
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } primary
| inc_or_dec_expression
| ( operator_assignment )
| expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } expression
| conditional_expression
| inside_expression
| tagged_union_expression - tagged_union_expression
- tagged member_identifier [ expression ]
- inside_expression
- expression inside { open_range_list }
- value_range
- expression
| [ expression : expression ] - mintypmax_expression
- expression
| expression : expression : expression - module_path_conditional_expression
- module_path_expression ? { attribute_instance } module_path_expression : module_path_expression
- module_path_expression
- module_path_primary
| unary_module_path_operator { attribute_instance } module_path_primary
| module_path_expression binary_module_path_operator { attribute_instance } module_path_expression
| module_path_conditional_expression - module_path_mintypmax_expression
- module_path_expression
| module_path_expression : module_path_expression : module_path_expression - part_select_range
- constant_range
| indexed_range - indexed_range
- expression +: constant_expression
| expression -: constant_expression - genvar_expression
- constant_expression
- constant_primary
- primary_literal
| ps_parameter_identifier constant_select
| specparam_identifier [ [ constant_range_expression ] ]
| genvar_identifier 38
| formal_port_identifier constant_select
| [ package_scope | class_scope ] enum_identifier
| constant_concatenation [ [ constant_range_expression ] ]
| constant_multiple_concatenation [ [ constant_range_expression ] ]
| constant_function_call
| constant_let_expression
| ( constant_mintypmax_expression )
| constant_cast
| constant_assignment_pattern_expression
| type_reference 39 - module_path_primary
- number
| identifier
| module_path_concatenation
| module_path_multiple_concatenation
| function_subroutine_call
| ( module_path_mintypmax_expression ) - primary
- primary_literal
| [ class_qualifier | package_scope ] hierarchical_identifier select
| empty_queue
| concatenation [ [ range_expression ] ]
| multiple_concatenation [ [ range_expression ] ]
| function_subroutine_call
| let_expression
| ( mintypmax_expression )
| cast
| assignment_pattern_expression
| streaming_concatenation
| sequence_method_call
| this 40
| $ 41
| null - class_qualifier
- [ local:: 42 ] [ implicit_class_handle . | class_scope ]
- range_expression
- expression
| part_select_range - primary_literal
- number
| time_literal
| unbased_unsized_literal
| string_literal - time_literal43
- unsigned_number time_unit
| fixed_point_number time_unit - time_unit
- s
| ms
| us
| ns
| ps
| fs - implicit_class_handle40
- this
| super
| this . super - bit_select
- { [ expression ] }
- select
- [ { . member_identifier bit_select } . member_identifier ] bit_select [ [ part_select_range ] ]
- nonrange_select
- [ { . member_identifier bit_select } . member_identifier ] bit_select
- constant_bit_select
- { [ constant_expression ] }
- constant_select
- [ { . member_identifier constant_bit_select } . member_identifier ] constant_bit_select [ [ constant_part_select_range ] ]
- constant_cast
- casting_type ' ( constant_expression )
- constant_let_expression
- let_expression 44
- cast
- casting_type ' ( expression )
Expression left-side values
- net_lvalue
- ps_or_hierarchical_net_identifier constant_select
| { net_lvalue { , net_lvalue } }
| [ assignment_pattern_expression_type ] assignment_pattern_net_lvalue - variable_lvalue
- [ implicit_class_handle . | package_scope ] hierarchical_variable_identifier select 45
| { variable_lvalue { , variable_lvalue } }
| [ assignment_pattern_expression_type ] assignment_pattern_variable_lvalue
| streaming_concatenation 46 - nonrange_variable_lvalue
- [ implicit_class_handle . | package_scope ] hierarchical_variable_identifier nonrange_select
- unary_operator
- +
| -
| !
| &
| &
| |
| ^
| ^
| ^~ - binary_operator
- +
| -
| *
| /
| %
| ==
| !=
| ===
| !==
| ==?
| !=?
| &&
| ||
| **
| <
| <=
| >
| >=
| &
| |
| ^
| ^
| ^
| >>
| <<
| >>>
| <<<
| ->
| <-> - inc_or_dec_operator
- ++
| – - unary_module_path_operator
- !
| &
| &
| |
| ^
| ^
| ^~ - binary_module_path_operator
- ==
| !=
| &&
| ||
| &
| |
| ^
| ^
| ^
- number
- integral_number
| real_number - integral_number
- decimal_number
| octal_number
| binary_number
| hex_number - decimal_number
- unsigned_number
| [ size ] decimal_base unsigned_number
| [ size ] decimal_base x_digit { _ }
| [ size ] decimal_base z_digit { _ } - binary_number
- [ size ] binary_base binary_value
- octal_number
- [ size ] octal_base octal_value
- hex_number
- [ size ] hex_base hex_value
- sign
- +
| - - size
- non_zero_unsigned_number
- non_zero_unsigned_number32
- non_zero_decimal_digit { _ | decimal_digit }
- real_number32
- fixed_point_number
| unsigned_number [ . unsigned_number ] exp [ sign ] unsigned_number - fixed_point_number32
- unsigned_number . unsigned_number
- exp
- e
| E - unsigned_number32
- decimal_digit { _ | decimal_digit }
- binary_value32
- binary_digit { _ | binary_digit }
- octal_value32
- octal_digit { _ | octal_digit }
- hex_value32
- hex_digit { _ | hex_digit }
- decimal_base32
- ' [ s | S ] d
| ' [ s | S ] D - binary_base32
- ' [ s | S ] b
| ' [ s | S ] B - octal_base32
- ' [ s | S ] o
| ' [ s | S ] O - hex_base32
- ' [ s | S ] h
| ' [ s | S ] H - non_zero_decimal_digit
- 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9 - decimal_digit
- 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9 - binary_digit
- x_digit
| z_digit
| 0
| 1 - octal_digit
- x_digit
| z_digit
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7 - hex_digit
- x_digit
| z_digit
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| a
| b
| c
| d
| e
| f
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F - x_digit
- x
| X - z_digit
- z
| Z
| ? - unbased_unsized_literal
- '0
| '1
| ' z_or_x 47
- attribute_instance
- (* attr_spec { , attr_spec } *)
- attr_spec
- attr_name [ = constant_expression ]
- attr_name
- identifier
- comment
- one_line_comment
| block_comment - one_line_comment
- // comment_text new_line_char
- block_comment
- /* comment_text */
- comment_text
- { Any_ASCII_character }
- array_identifier
- identifier
- block_identifier
- identifier
- bin_identifier
- identifier
- c_identifier48
- [a-zA-Z_] { [a-zA-Z0-9_] }
- cell_identifier
- identifier
- checker_identifier
- identifier
- class_identifier
- identifier
- class_variable_identifier
- variable_identifier
- clocking_identifier
- identifier
- config_identifier
- identifier
- const_identifier
- identifier
- constraint_identifier
- identifier
- covergroup_identifier
- identifier
- covergroup_variable_identifier
- variable_identifier
- cover_point_identifier
- identifier
- cross_identifier
- identifier
- dynamic_array_variable_identifier
- variable_identifier
- enum_identifier
- identifier
- escaped_identifier
- \ { any_printable_ASCII_character_except_white_space } white_space
- formal_identifier
- identifier
- formal_port_identifier
- identifier
- function_identifier
- identifier
- generate_block_identifier
- identifier
- genvar_identifier
- identifier
- hierarchical_array_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_block_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_event_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- [ $root . ] { identifier constant_bit_select . } identifier
- hierarchical_net_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_parameter_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_property_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_sequence_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_task_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_tf_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- hierarchical_variable_identifier
- hierarchical_identifier
- identifier
- simple_identifier
| escaped_identifier - index_variable_identifier
- identifier
- interface_identifier
- identifier
- interface_instance_identifier
- identifier
- inout_port_identifier
- identifier
- input_port_identifier
- identifier
- instance_identifier
- identifier
- library_identifier
- identifier
- member_identifier
- identifier
- method_identifier
- identifier
- modport_identifier
- identifier
- module_identifier
- identifier
- net_identifier
- identifier
- net_type_identifier
- identifier
- output_port_identifier
- identifier
- package_identifier
- identifier
- package_scope
- package_identifier ::
| $unit :: - parameter_identifier
- identifier
- port_identifier
- identifier
- production_identifier
- identifier
- program_identifier
- identifier
- property_identifier
- identifier
- ps_class_identifier
- [ package_scope ] class_identifier
- ps_covergroup_identifier
- [ package_scope ] covergroup_identifier
- ps_checker_identifier
- [ package_scope ] checker_identifier
- ps_identifier
- [ package_scope ] identifier
- ps_or_hierarchical_array_identifier
- [ implicit_class_handle . | class_scope | package_scope ] hierarchical_array_identifier
- ps_or_hierarchical_net_identifier
- [ package_scope ] net_identifier
| hierarchical_net_identifier - ps_or_hierarchical_property_identifier
- [ package_scope ] property_identifier
| hierarchical_property_identifier - ps_or_hierarchical_sequence_identifier
- [ package_scope ] sequence_identifier
| hierarchical_sequence_identifier - ps_or_hierarchical_tf_identifier
- [ package_scope ] tf_identifier
| hierarchical_tf_identifier - ps_parameter_identifier
- [ package_scope | class_scope ] parameter_identifier
| { generate_block_identifier [ [ constant_expression ] ] . } parameter_identifier - ps_type_identifier
- [ local:: 42 | package_scope ] type_identifier
- sequence_identifier
- identifier
- signal_identifier
- identifier
- simple_identifier48
- [a-zA-Z_] { [a-zA-Z0-9_$] }
- specparam_identifier
- identifier
- system_tf_identifier49
- $ [a-zA-Z0-9_$] { [a-zA-Z0-9_$] }
- task_identifier
- identifier
- tf_identifier
- identifier
- terminal_identifier
- identifier
- topmodule_identifier
- identifier
- type_identifier
- identifier
- udp_identifier
- identifier
- variable_identifier
- identifier
White space
- white_space
- space
| tab
| newline
| eof50
Footnotes normative
(1) A package_import_declaration in a module_ansi_header, interface_ansi_header, or program_ansi_header shall be followed by a parameter_port_list or list_of_port_declarations, or both. ↩︎ ↩︎
(7) In a parameter_declaration that is a class_item, the parameter keyword shall be a synonym for the localparam keyword. ↩︎ ↩︎
(2) The list_of_port_declarations syntax is explained in, which also imposes various semantic restrictions, e.g., a ref port shall be of a variable type and an inout port shall not be. It shall be illegal to initialize a port that is not a variable output port or to specify a default value for a port that is not an input port. ↩︎
(3) A timeunits_declaration shall be legal as a non_port_module_item, non_port_interface_item, non_port_program_item, or package_item only if it repeats and matches a previous timeunits_declaration within the same time scope. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
(4) If the bind_target_scope is an interface_identifier or the bind_target_instance is an interface_instance_identifier, then the bind_instantiation shall be an interface_instantiation or a checker_instantiation. ↩︎
(5) It shall be illegal for a program_generate_item to include any item that would be illegal in a program_declaration outside a program_generate_item. ↩︎
(6) It shall be illegal for a checker_generate_item to include any item that would be illegal in a checker_declaration outside a checker_generate_item. ↩︎
(8) In any one declaration, only one of protected or local is allowed, only one of rand or randc is allowed, and static and/or virtual can appear only once. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
(9) The open_range_list in a uniqueness_constraint shall contain only expressions that denote scalar or array variables, as described in 18.5.5. ↩︎
(10) In a data_declaration that is not within a procedural context, it shall be illegal to use the automatic keyword. In a data_declaration, it shall be illegal to omit the explicit data_type before a list_of_variable_decl_assignments unless the var keyword is used. ↩︎
(11) It shall be illegal to have an import statement directly within a class scope. ↩︎
(12) A charge strength shall only be used with the trireg keyword. When the vectored or scalared keyword is used, there shall be at least one packed dimension. ↩︎
(13) When a packed dimension is used with the struct or union keyword, the packed keyword shall also be used. ↩︎
(14) When a type_reference is used in a net declaration, it shall be preceded by a net type keyword; and when it is used in a variable declaration, it shall be preceded by the var keyword. ↩︎ ↩︎
(16) It shall be legal to declare a void struct_union_member only within tagged unions. ↩︎
(17) An expression that is used as the argument in a type_reference shall not contain any hierarchical references or references to elements of dynamic objects. ↩︎
(18) It shall be legal to omit the constant_param_expression from a param_assignment or the data_type from a type_assignment only within a parameter_port_list. However, it shall not be legal to omit them from localparam declarations in a parameter_port_list. ↩︎
(19) In a shallow copy, the expression shall evaluate to an object handle. ↩︎
(20) In packed_dimension, unsized_dimension is permitted only as the sole packed dimension in a DPI import declaration; see dpi_function_proto and dpi_task_proto. ↩︎
(21) dpi_function_proto return types are restricted to small values, per 35.5.5. ↩︎
(22) Formals of dpi_function_proto and dpi_task_proto cannot use pass-by-reference mode, and class types cannot be passed at all; see 35.5.6 for a description of allowed types for DPI formal arguments. ↩︎ ↩︎
(23) In a tf_port_item, it shall be illegal to omit the explicit port_identifier except within a function_prototype or task_prototype. ↩︎
(24) The matches operator shall have higher precedence than the && and || operators. ↩︎
(25) It shall be legal to use the $ primary in an open_value_range or covergroup_value_range of the form [expression :$] or [$:expression]. ↩︎ ↩︎
(26) The result of this expression shall be assignment compatible with an integral type. ↩︎
(27) This expression is restricted as described in ↩︎
(28) This expression is restricted as described in 19.5. ↩︎
(29) The .* token shall appear at most once in a list of port connections. ↩︎ ↩︎
(30) Within an interface_declaration, it shall only be legal for a generate_item to be an interface_or_generate_item. Within a module_declaration, except when also within an interface_declaration, it shall only be legal for a generate_item to be a module_or_generate_item. Within a checker_declaration, it shall only be legal for a generate_item to be a checker_or_generate_item. ↩︎
(31) Parentheses are required when an event expression that contains comma-separated event expressions is passed as an actual argument using positional binding. ↩︎
(32) In a constant_assignment_pattern_expression, all member expressions shall be constant expressions. ↩︎
(33) Embedded spaces are illegal. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
(34) In a multiple_concatenation, it shall be illegal for the multiplier not to be a constant_expression unless the type of the concatenation is string. ↩︎
(35) { } shall only be legal in the context of a queue. ↩︎
(36) In a constant_function_call, all arguments shall be constant_expressions. ↩︎
(37) It shall be illegal to omit the parentheses in a tf_call unless the subroutine is a task, void function, or class method. If the subroutine is a nonvoid class function method, it shall be illegal to omit the parentheses if the call is directly recursive. ↩︎
(38) In a randomize_call that is not a method call of an object of class type (i.e., a scope randomize), the optional parenthesized identifier_list after the keyword with shall be illegal, and the use of null shall be illegal. ↩︎
(39) A genvar_identifier shall be legal in a constant_primary only within a genvar_expression. ↩︎
(40) It shall be legal to use a type_reference constant_primary as the casting_type in a static cast. It shall be illegal for a type_reference constant_primary to be used with any operators except the equality/inequality and case equality/ inequality operators. ↩︎
(41) implicit_class_handle shall only appear within the scope of a class_declaration or out-of-block method declaration. ↩︎ ↩︎
(42) The $ primary shall be legal only in a select for a queue variable, in an open_value_range, covergroup_value_range, integer_covergroup_expression, or as an entire sequence_actual_arg or property_actual_arg. ↩︎
(43) The local:: qualifier shall only appear within the scope of an inline constraint block. ↩︎ ↩︎
(44) The unsigned number or fixed-point number in time_literal shall not be followed by white_space. ↩︎
(45) In a constant_let_expression, all arguments shall be constant_expressions and its right-hand side shall be a constant_expression itself provided that its formal arguments are treated as constant_primary there. ↩︎
(46) In a variable_lvalue that is assigned within a sequence_match_item any select shall also be a constant_select. ↩︎
(47) A streaming_concatenation expression shall not be nested within another variable_lvalue. A streaming_concatenation shall not be the target of the increment or decrement operator nor the target of any assignment operator except the simple ( = ) or nonblocking assignment ( <= ) operator. ↩︎
(48) The apostrophe ( ’ ) in unbased_unsized_literal shall not be followed by white_space. ↩︎
(49) A simple_identifier or c_identifier shall start with an alpha or underscore ( _ ) character, shall have at least one character, and shall not have any spaces. ↩︎ ↩︎
(50) The $ character in a system_tf_identifier shall not be followed by white_space. A system_tf_identifier shall not be escaped. ↩︎
(51) End of file. ↩︎
See also
- VHDL IEEE 1076-2008 Grammar (blog post)
- Smart Indentation for Verilog (screencast)
- ANSI and Non-ANSI Port Declarations in Verilog (blog post)
- Sigasi's Software Development Kit Part 2 (legacy)
- Sigasi's Software Development Kit Part 1 (legacy)